Tourmake updates cookies
- Jan 18, 2022
- News
Tourmake has adapted all its services to the change of regulations regarding cookies. This is a necessary measure provided for in specific directives, which have recently entered into force with regard to data tracking tools. Cookies are, in fact, small text strings that sites send to the devices of visitors to the site, virtual tours, Tourmake.me and all the services provided by the platform Tourmake. In this way navigation will be faster and smoother because any data, settings and preferences will already be saved. By adapting to the new GDPR at EU level, we have made the Cookie Policy and the Cookie Banner compliant so that it is clearer for the user to provide their consent to the collection of data and/or revoke it if he deems it necessary. This is a necessary measure to protect the user and at the same time also improves the performance of our platform.